Club Racing


The Townsville Yacht Club hosts a regular racing calendar for yachts each year. Competition for the Commodore's Cup takes place between late February and late October and consists of a combination of offshore and inshore racing.  Races are held in the cooler months which is also outside of cyclone season.  TYC Sailing Committee put together a race calendar showing both the the race schedule and types for races planned, with approximately 20 races held during the year that are points for the coveted Commodore's Cup.

The season traditionally ends on the last Saturday in October with a race to Herald Island, that is attended by racing, cruising, sail and motor boats to celebrate a successful year.  With vessels anchored overnight, a BBQ is held on the beach before the return trip home on Sunday.


Boat Registration and Nomination

All vessels participating in the TYC Sailing Season are required to register for the season and nominate for each race they intend to particpate in.  This can be done a 'bulk nomination' and the beginning of the season (for those that know they will be attempting every race) or as a 'race by race' nomination to allow skippers some flexiblity.

SailSys Race Management

The TYC Sailing Committee utilises the Race Management system SailSys. Instructions for Skippers to set up a SailSys account and enter the Sailing Season races in the SailSys system can be downloaded from the following link SAILSYS INSTRUCTIONS FOR SKIPPERS NEW TO SAILSYS


Following link is to the SailSys log in page SailSys Log In

Following link is to the SailSys Race Entry page. Note that you will need to log in to SailSys after opening the Race Entry page to complete the process.

SailSys Race Entry 

View Conditions of Entry here.


Crew Registration

All crew members participating in a race shall be a TYC Sailing Member or the holder of a valid Australian Sailing SailPass.

  • Any crew member who is not a TYC Sailing Member, can participate by purchasing a SailPass for each race day in which they participate at TYC.
  • SailPass can only be purchased for a maximum of 10 race days at a cost of $15 each. After 10 race days, the crew member must become a TYC Sailing Member, with the value of purchased SailPasses being credited to the membership.

Failure to comply with this requirement may result in a 2% time penalty being applied to the boat's finish time.

It is also a requirement that all crew are registered in SailSys prior to the start of each race they are participating.  

TYC Sailing membership provides the following:

  • TYC Membership;
  • TYC Racing affiliation;
  • Yachting Queensland affiliation;
  • Australian Sailing Membership including insurance.

Membership applications are available at the Townsville Yacht Club office or bar or by applying online.

On registration, your club administrator will create a profile for you in the national database, known as myClub. You can access and edit your record at any time through a mySailor profile, accessible via the Australian Sailing website.

Register for a TYC Membership now

Are you a Skipper looking for experienced Crew to fill positions?

Register on our Database and we will endeavour to find you a suitable Crew member to fill the position.

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Are you an experienced Crew looking for a Yacht to sail on?

Register on our Database and we will endeavour to match you with a Yacht as soon as possible.

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